Basil Heart Shaped Polenta with Basil Goat Chevre, Mango Chutney, Mango and Side Stripped Prawns

“I would like to thank you for catering my Client Appreciation Party!  Shirley, you made my party so very enjoyable for my guests/clients/myself in my home!  The food you served was DELICIOUS and so lovely presented. This was the first time I hired a catering company and was apprehensive but I can let you know that I will be hiring, Shirley Lang, Kitchens of Distinction and your server’s to cater my next Client Appreciation Party!  I received fabulous emails that said, “the catering was wonderful”, “first class party!” I will definitely be spreading the word that they need to hire Shirley Lang of Kitchens of Distinction! Thanks again!” Heather Fritz, Staged N Sold Properties Inc.

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