“From the moment you arrived, promptly on time, you took control and proceeded to exceed our expectations at every turn. You provided decorations, which really made the season come alive. You began providing appetizers to the group as soon as people began arriving, some hot, some cold, operating in an unfamiliar kitchen with great efficiency. The food!!!!!!…. the most important ingredient, was in a word… outstanding!!! The quality and varitey was terrific, we were constantly hovering around to see what the next sumptuous item would be. The quantity was more than adequate and everyone without exception left that evening feeling fully satisfied!!! At the end of the evening your clean up was complete, returning everything to it’s previous place and leaving nothing for the host to have to attend to the next day. Again, I cannot say enough how much we enjoyed your ‘private catering experience’!” Trisha Stern, Branch Manager, TD Canada Trust