Chef Shirley Lang's gardenFor literally centuries people have been turning to nature to help cure themselves of disease and illness. Today is no different. Herbs have well known medicinal benefits that cannot be overlooked. They can be used to treat indigestion, anxiety and even sunburn. What’s more, many of these herbs can be grown at home.

Chamomile – Tastes delicious in tea, and is known to be a good remedy for stress, indigestion, skin issues and even colic.

Echinacea – You can buy this in pill form from the store, or in effervescent form that you add to water to treat flu symptoms and to even lessen the chance of catching colds. But, you can make your own even better and more effective remedies.

Feverfew – You can chew this or make it into a tea to treat migraines and a tincture for arthritis and skin irritations.

Lavender – Not only does this herb smell wonderful, it also can be sued to ease pain, stress, and anxiety and can work as an antiseptic for cuts and bruises. Victoria Lavender Farm

Lemon Balm – Great for gas, anxiety, bug bites and even insomnia. It also works very well on cold sores and lessoning the symptoms of the herpes virus.

Parsley – Yes, that parsley garnish on your plate is really for bad breath and a digestive aid. Chewing it after a meal can actually help.

Hibiscus — Drinking hibiscus tea is beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Mint – Treats IBS, colic and allergies but some research has also shown that mint can even help protect against and improve damage associated with radiation treatments for cancer.

Oregano – Extremely high in antioxidants, it’s very good at treating infections due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

These are just a few of the herbs that offer medicinal benefits that you can learn about in the bestselling book: Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide: 33 Healing Herbs to Know, Grow, and Use 

Many of these you can grow and make into lotions, tinctures, and teas right from home. This will save you money and ensure that what you put into your body or your child’s body is pure and healthy. Even if you’re not a true beginner the book offers a lot of information to help you make herbal remedies including growing, preparing and storing them.

To your happiness, health and satisfaction, Alice Seba, Guest Post

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