“On a magical late summer evening, we held a celebration in our garden for over sixty friends for cocktails, tapas and a giant Pacific Coast paella cooked outdoors.   If it wasn’t for the talents of Shirley Lang of Kitchen of Distinction,  it would never have been the success it was and I am very grateful.  Thank you Shirley for the  truly different tapas using ingredients from Vancouver Island, some,  right from our kitchen garden.  It was a pleasure to work with you on the food.  Guests particularly commented on the mini corn cakes with slivers of venison, the tiny finger croquettes of wild and white rice and garden herbs and  local smoked salmon on cucumber cups.  The platters of quail eggs mascerated in red wine disappeared in seconds.  As you prepared all the tapas, I was free to work on the paella.  We were a good team and the party was a grand success.   It was such a pleasure to return to the kitchen later in the evening and find  it in perfect order.  Many thanks, muchas gracias,  to you.” Mary Spilsbury Ross

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