Why You Should Say No to Fast Food
Fast food may seem like a friend to the busy family trying to save money. However, it’s really not as friendly as you might think. Eating fast food regularly has consequences that greatly outweigh its benefits to your lifestyle.
Here are a few problems with fast food:
The average fast food meal can have as many calories as you need for an entire day
- Fast food meals tend to be high in saturated fat – that’s the fat that causes heart disease
- Food from fast food restaurants tends to have high amounts of preservatives
- Many fast food restaurants serve meat with fillers known as “pink slime” that are treated with harsh chemicals
- While many restaurants offer healthier choices, those choices are usually more expensive and not chosen as often
- Fast food meals don’t contain the necessary vitamins and minerals for good health
- Fast food meals don’t contain much fiber which helps to keep digestion regular and lower cholesterol
- The cost of treating medical conditions caused by a poor diet are much greater than any money you could save on a value menu
- For the first time in history, children are having problems due to obesity that once plagued only adults such as type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol
While it may seem convenient and inexpensive, the real cost of a fast food diet can be devastating for your health. It’s important to find a way to eat healthier foods that will fit into your lifestyle.
Part 3 Tomorrow
Making Good Nutrition a Part of Your Lifestyle